
Showing posts from June, 2018

Day 72 to Day 77 - Old Memories and the Big 7-0-0!

Tuesday June 19th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 72 - Mile Marker 656.1 to 668.5 to reach War Spur Shelter Napkin had to go back north today, so she left Reflex at the same spot that Reflex and the Tech guys attempted to do a few years back.  Turns out all of our complaining wasn't for nothing- Reflex thought it was quite a tough section even for her seasoned legs!  No wonder! There she goes! Some shots along the way.     A feathery companion Reflex met on the Trail! Wednesday June 20th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 73 - Mile Marker 668.5 to 686.7 to reach Niday Shelter A Keefer Oak   The biggest Cairn Reflex has seen after one of the steepest no-view mountains in a long time.  At least there was *some* sort of reward! DOUBLE toilet tree (for your convenience, cuts wait times in half!) Thursday June 21st Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 74 - Mile Marker 686.7 to 696.8 to reach Pickle Branch Shel...

Day 62 to Day 71 - Off and On the Trail Again!

Friday May 25th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 62 - Zero days in Marion for the foot.... Sam's taking some time to rest her swollen foot, which hadn't been improving while on the trail.  In Marion she saw an awesome PT who taped her up and gave her an hour session of trail magic!  One minute in ice, one minute in warm on and off for 20 minutes.  Let's hope the rest days are helping!!       Saturday May 26th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 63 - Zero days in Marion for the foot.... Time to do laundry!  It's okay to get "aids" if it's lower-case, right? A rare second zero day to help rest Sam's foot.  It was really hurting! Sunday May 27th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 64 - Mile Marker 512 to 533.5 to reach Partnership Shelter Who wants to stay here?  Free roof!  It might not even leak, either... Another toilet tree.  Set up for your convenience.  :) One room ...