Day 150 to Day 158 - The Whites begin
(A brief note from Tech Support and Napkin: Since Tech Support has taken their sweet time to upload everything after the trip, Reflex sent another update- she is now trekking through New Hampshire! So here's the last of the THREE-part post, be sure not to have missed the other two! Enjoy! ) September 14th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 158 - The view from Mt. Moosilauke! Approximate mile marker: 1785 Beautiful day for climbing a mountain! September 16th Sam's AT Mileage Tracker: Day 160 - Just climbed Mt. Lincoln. Approximate mile marker: 1818 Great weather so far! Completed 3 of the Whites (just don't ask how many are left). Been hiking a lot with Stranger for this section of the Trail There are some tricky downs from these mountains. But the trails are pretty and well kept! Between mountains. Looks peaceful before you have to go back up... But the views make it worth it! Continuing along t...